Monday, 17 March 2014

Evaluation - Chosen photo 3

This photo is a picture of the sunset at the end of a sunny day. I took this photo because the colours are pastel colours and look pretty. I took it from my bedroom window. The photo is focused on the main subject because the colours blend in together to make it a pretty sunset. To make the photo work, i have included textures, the photo shows the fluffiness of the sky and the solid colours of the houses and trees below. The photo could possibly be improved by capturing more colours or maybe taken a photo of birds in the sky to make it more interesting. Other people liked my photo because they said it was pretty, however they agreed it would be more interesting to have something like birds in the sky. 
Here is a professional photo i have taken from the internet. The lay out of the photo is the same has mine. we have both used the black solid colour of the trees and houses below then the sun set above. I think this works well because the colours clash with each other. 

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